Salted & Fried
Saturday, September 25, 2004
I love my Powerbook (Precious is what I call him/her/it). I am in a cab, on the way home, making full use of my time by writing this. Well, as useful as writing this gets, that is. Which I think is pretty useful. Or at least satisfyingly F.U.N. Bet the taxi uncle thinks I am so hardworking and doing hard work furiously typing away at my laptop. Little does he know….Am turning into my street now. I'll be right back, after the break. Stay tuned. No, do NOT click on away from me. Stay. Good girl/boy/it.

And...welcome back to THE Salted Fried Tempeh. We will continue our segment on...My Wonderfully Satisfying Day.

Imagine the bright sunny sun rising in the horizon. Warmth creeping to replace the cold pre-dawn air...And then hacking coughing breaking the chirpy chirping of the morning birdy birds. I felt like it was going to be a loooonngggg and paaaiinnnffull day. Not to mention the...urm...the stomach problems in the morning. It did not seem good. No, not good at all.

Work was OK. Lunch came and went. Then the fun started. I shall not double blog for good reasons as you can read the events in detail HERE. Yes, H.E.R.E. (click it). Go on, don't be shy.

And then we all went for some free porn at SIF. James' talk on Coral Sex! (see past log). I shall let the pictures to the talking 'cos I don't think I can do justice to the things we did...

First, we set up our booth. It was up in MINUTES!

Second, we put up our posters. So EFFICIENTLY!

MY POSTER MY POSTER MY POSTER!!! Ain't it nicee.....

Then, we mended the booth while people arrived for the talk. So DILIGENT!
(This is Wei Song by the way, self-admited slave-on-loan from the RMBR Toddycats)

James gave his excellent talk on CORAL SEX next....

...and got Ria excited with the coral porn!...And made ABBY eat cuttlefish (see odd girl in background).

And while our audience took NOTES diligently, at the back, we...............

..........did THIS.

.........and THIS: HI GUYS, meet GILIAN, our Public Exhibitions Officer! Isn't she sweet? Aw.

And...Abygayle ****-Ng Pek Kaye (a.k.a Abby)

Oh, here's Gilian again...Aw. So shy.

And Gilian again...up close...and...urm...closer...


OK. Enough with the Gilian. Besides mundane photo-taking, Abby and I also came up with a potential award-winning storyboard material for a new movie! It's called: SHARK v.s. KILLER WHALE. Or...KILLER WHALE v.s. SHARK! And it goes like this:

"Lalalala, I'm swimming in the sea...I'm a cuttlefish so delicious and yummy..."

As the little cute cuttlefish swim in the big blue ocean, 2 large predators happen to spot him/her/it.

And it looks like BOTH predators, a great white shark, and a killer whale, have decided to...err...prey on the poor little cuttlefish...

Shark: !!!

Killer whale: !!! !!! !!!

Shark: He's/she's/it's MINE!
Killer whale: NO!!! MINE!

MINE!!! NO MINE!!! MINE!!! NO!! Let go!!! OW, you got one of my tentacles!! Sharks have no tentacles?!!? NOO!! You got MY tentacle, THE CUTTLEFISH!!! LET GO!! YOU'RE MINE!! NO! You're MINE!! *&@#$%^

Shark & Killer whale together: NO!! MIINNEE!!! (slow-mo here)
The shark and the killer whale BOTH lunged at the squid at the same time and.... they lunged forth, they collided into one another and due to the play of forces, pressure and other unknown factors, the cuttlefish got spit out of their mouths and the shark and the killer whale, sunk their teeth into one another instead...

AND...CUT!!!! And THAT's how the CUTTLEFISH that we are selling to raise funds for the Blue Water Volunteers has only SEVEN arms instead of EIGHT. Everything that you see and read here is purely fictional and hold no facts whatsoever. Except that the CUTTLEFISH we are selling, DOES have seven tentacles instead of eight!!

The talk soon ended after great presentation of really magnificent slides of coral spawning which James never showed us before. Dionne then promptly thanked James and presented him with a token of appreciation.

Fantastic talk James! Oooh.. that's US!!

We then mingled and talked to our guests while some of us tried to sell them squeaky toys for our fund-raising. Although not successful, we hope that we've talked to quite a few people today...

Dionne, our Public Talks Officer in action.

After packing up and storing everything away at....

.....5.08 PM.....

.....we proceeded to JC Kitchen at the basement level of Park Mall where....

.....Dionne ordered this giant claypot porridge for herself...

.....Hmmm...After all that hard work coordinating the talk, I think she deserves it. The rest of us had rather nice pasta with MUSHROOMS. Delicious. And just sat there plotting evil plans on passing stonefish to people we don't like during our reef walk sessions...(which apparently my parents have SIGNED UP FOR of all other things they could be doing).

JC Kitchen has really good food for great value and so much variety and great tables for meetings and friendly staff........and the Cute Waiter Guy. According to Abby, Angeline, Dionne, Tse-Lynn and Haniman...i.e. EVERYONE Cute Waiter Guy is not Cute at all. Angeline gave him an OK. BUT HE IS QUITE CUTE WHAT! He bothered to actually check whether the Primavera pasta had MUSHROOMS or not for me and Tse-Lynn the first time we went there. After initially telling us that there were no mushrooms in it, he actually admited his mistake and returned to tell us otherwise! Actually I don't know why he's so cute but he just is. There's something about my Cute Waiter Guy that's Cute...I just don't know what. He's also shorter than 1.78m...which is my minumum height requirement too! What is IT about him...what what what??? Anyone??? For once I am looking forward to more meetings at SIF................Yes yes, I'm sick sick sick.

Night came and after much mooching around, we finally proceeded to...CLICK HERE for the final section of My Wonderfully Satisfying Day.

And...that was My Wonderfully Satisfying Day. Wonderful, no? Well, after being home-ridden for almost the whole week, this is VERY satisfying indeed. That's All Folks!....For now....

hey, the killer whale, shark and squid thingie is soooo cute! Well done!
But oh poor Gillian and Abby... the pics... =p
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