Salted & Fried
Monday, September 25, 2006
Today... I found... MAHJONG KAKIs! Thanks to Jeff's pressie of mini mini mahjong set, I managed to get my mahjong fix for the week! HAHAHA.... well not necessarily for the week lah... but enough... for now... ahhaa!

We taught 3 other people to play mahjong and my flat mates also want to learn how to play!!!!! HOW COOL IS THAT!!! Too bad the tiles Jeff gave me were missing like 4 flowers (i.e. got 1 set of flowers instead of 2... I had to make a set of the animals from the spare tiles). There was also no "white dragon" or the "window" so had to use the spare tiles to make that one also... haha so now we're making do playing with just 18 x 4 tiles. ANYTHING LAH AS LONG AS CAN PLAY ALREADY GOOD ENUFF! haha! (BTW, the guy on the left in the photo is the one that looks like my BRO! Dun u thk dun u thk????)

I won with the LAST TILE today... hahaha so cool. We haven't started playing with points yet (yes, points, because I don't think any of us can afford the $$ haha...) but we should do so when we settle on the "redeemable items" e.g. massage, getting someone to buy groceries, washing the dishes, doing the laundry etc...

Well, other than mahjong the most exciting thing that happened today was the FREE FOOD I got at the MOSQUE! Me and Lia (the other muslim girl) went to walk to the mosque to get free food. They're giving free food throughout this whole Ramadhan period! And they gave us like enough food to last a week! I got like 2 HUGE packets of rice and like 3 packets of chicken curry thing... and kurma and canned drinks! I felt kinda bad... not only becos I did not fast today... but also becos we were the ONLY 2 GIRLS there asking for food! Like there weren't ANY OTHER GIRLS around! And we had to wear our HOODS to enter the mosque grounds cos they required us to cover our hair (urgh!). They're very nice though... they kept asking us whether we wanted more food when they gave us like 3 whole plastic bags worth of food... I don't mind helping out with the cooking if I'm free. But I think my apetite's seriously gone down, cos I don't eat as much as I used to... I guess the company's different too and the food's different as well... good, maybe can lose weight.

It took us 2 HOURS to walk to the mosque and back... TWO HOURS... man! But the walk was quite nice albeit a tad cold... Abby would have loved it though.. because on the way there and back... there were HUGE FIELDS... and in the HUGE FIELDS... there were lots and lots of... YES! COOOWWSS!!!! MOOOO!!!!

HAHAHA... Today, there was also the Newcastle vs. Everton football match at St Jame's Park stadium... and I can SEE THE STADIUM from my room (it's a bit far and hazy, but there you have it!). There were people in black and white attire EVERYWHERE... and then later on, there were people playing DODGEBALL (yes! DODGEBALL like in the movie!) in like basketball areas... hahaha...

Sure is an interesting place Newcastle... so far so good... Tomorrow induction will start and I will have to go pick my modules and see my tutor. My classes will probably start the week after next and I have to write my project proposal before end of October so it sure is going to be very packed!
Heheh... I got an sms from MK asking me if I wanted to play MJ with R and his mum. But I kinda ODed on anti histamines and was knocked out from like 1pm onwards. So I missed out. Looks like someone in UK got more mahjong than I did. Haha!
The cows look very fluffy and cuddly
The cows have shiny white eyes!! They look SCARY.... Anyway, glad you have a supply of free curry for this month. :)
you can cook the cows in curry right? hey thats how you got the beef rendang thing is it? wa nice and fresh. hint: if you dont chew off too much of the cow at a time, the farmer may not notice.
HAHAHAHAHHA YEAH I NEVER TOT ABT IT!! CAN CATCH AND EAT BUNNIES HAHAHAHAHAHHA Jim so farnie! ahahahahahah..... I can see why COW TIPPING is a problem cos the cows are like just EVERYWHERE and the fields are like EVERYWHerE...!!!! <-- watch BARNYARD the cartoon movie!
jani can't cook the cows and rabbits because she doesn't have a knife. PHEW.
Haha. Finally you are updating your blog. Woudln't have known except ms applecow told me today. Must say...your posts are quite one kind...I've scrolled till my finger is tired and still have yet to reach the end... :p
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